


When I was 7, my sister’s friend came over on a mini motor scooter. My brother, who was 19 at the time, loved motor scooters, so he wanted to teach me how to ride. At first, I didn’t want to ride it at first because it seemed scary, but he encouraged me that I could do it. His encouragement was so great as he shouted things like “you can do it” or “Don’t be afraid to go faster!” As a result, I got so confident and motivated that I rode my self full speed into a pole at the end of the block. Even so, after crashing into a pole, he still encouraged me that I did great. However, his encouragement led me to learn that I never want to ride a motor scooter, or anything related ever again.


One thing I think I’m good at is drawing. For me it just feels like a good way to spend my free time, and to keep me occupied for a long time, and it also felt like a good way to express myself. I love drawing so much that I created a social media page for my art, and I like to draw for other people. It’s more so just a hobby, and I don’t get much time to do it any more, but I try to do it when I have free time. It’s a skill that I definitely had to practice to become better, but also my brother, dad and cousin are also pretty good at art, and my cousin used to teach me a lot when I was younger. I think it relates to my future because when drawing you have to pay attention to details and patience, which are also some traits you also need in medicine.


Irene’s Story

One day when I was 9 years old, an old missionary couple from Peru came to stay with my family. They’ve never been here to New York, and it was around Christmas time, so they wanted a tour. My family and I decided to take them to see the tree. While riding the subway my older brother got severely sick from eating too much Ice Cream, and threw up all over me. I should’ve been grossed out that this disgusting green slimy vomit was all over me, but I was more upset that my super nice jacket got messed up. My mom got a custodian and they cleaned up the vomit, and then we went back home and the missionary couple never got to see the tree, but I’m glad they got such a great impression of my family.


The hardest part about the Introduction letter was writing about my weaknesses because I think it is hard for me to analyze myself in that type of way. Additionally, I think admitting the things you struggle with is hard for everyone. Also, writing about what most people don’t know about me was hard because usually the things that people don’t know about me I like to keep it personal. The easiest thing to write about for me was my passions because I’ve always known what I liked to do and what I love to work with, and it was just easier to explain than other parts of the assignment.


Literature Review worries and confidences

  • Worried about going over the word count
  • Worried about being too wordy or sounding complicated
  • Confident about finding the research strength and weaknesses
  • Confident about comparing what the sources are talking about

Questions I have: 

Do my sources connect well?

Does it sound too complicated?

Did I put a good amount of quotes

Is it too wordy?


One thing I am worried about for the rest of the semester is managing my time and work for this class, because I have a tendency to procrastinate all of my work. Also, I am worried about not meeting all the criterias for an assignment such as forgetting something on the digital portfolio like a journal entry.


What makes a strong research paper?

  • Have credible resources
  • Having a strong claim and being able to explain the evidence that supports it
  • Clear, concise, and organized sentences that flow well